Tuesday, September 10, 2013



On this week, we have learn about how to FOLDING,LAYING and also CHANGING the table cloth in fine dining restaurant. Sometime, hotel staff will change the table cloth in front of the guest.

What Are the Functions of a Tablecloth?

*Tablecloths decorate a table and can be formal or informal. They are available in bold patterns, solid colors and thousands of other patterns and styles.

*Tablecloths protect tables from food and drink spills and surface scratches.

*Tablecloths are available in fabric, paper, and plastic. Popular fabrics include linen, cotton and polyester. If you would like a disposable material, paper is a good choice.

*Always follow the washing instructions for your fabric tablecloth. Some materials should only be dry cleaned, and many tablecloths require ironing, so check before purchasing to make sure you understand the care and cleaning involved.

So, we have to do it properly as shown below. This week we have to carry out a practical test on how to lay and change a table cloth. 
let's we find out how to laying the table cloth:

Procedure of laying table cloth

5 step:
  1. - firstly, Place the table cloth centre of the table
  2. -then,open it carefully
  3. - next, Place your every finger on every side of folding cloth
  4. - Laying it on the table
  5. - lastly, Alter to neat them

Procedure of changing the table cloth

4 step:
  1. - Take on side of the table cloth and pull them above 
  2. - Place the table cloth that are already folded above the old table cloth 
  3. - Place your finger between the table cloth to easy you while laying 
  4. - Unfold the table cloth and pull it slowly while take the old table cloth already with a finger

Fold table cloth

5 step to fold it:
  1. - First, we have to fold it into 2
  2. - Second fold another one at one side, and do again at the other side
  3. - Place it on the table.
  4. - Fold both side to the center and give some space at the center
  5. - Lastly, fold both side again to the center.


don't ever try this at your homes... 

okay that all from us! thank you for watching this!!


  1. When I was little, one of the my favorite parts about restaurants was the table linens. The different designs and colors always fascinated me, and could keep me entertained for hours. If your looking to open a restaurant, it's worth investing in quality table linens.


  2. I like how fun you made this post to read. Who would have thought setting up a table cloth would be so much fun to set up. This honestly makes me want to go back to my old job at the restaurants!

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  4. Tablecloths are used to protect the table surface from spills, stains, and scratches. restaurant table cloths

    They also add to the overall aesthetic of the restaurant by creating a formal and elegant ambiance. Tablecloths come in various sizes, shapes, and colors to suit the restaurant's decor and can be changed depending on the occasion or season. Some restaurants may choose to forgo tablecloths and opt for a more casual, modern look with bare tables.
