Tuesday, September 10, 2013



Hiiiiii READER!!

I hope we'll meet again in this episode.. okay today we would like to share about table setting. there have a 2 types of table setting:

  1. table d'hote setting 
  2. a la carte setting

So for your information this is a TABLE D'HOTE setting :

>Table d'hôte cover requires the cutlery and flatware for the whole meal to be laid out before the first course is served.

>A table d'hôte menu is a fixed price menu, with a set meal offering a number of courses.

> With table d'hôte, surplus tableware is removed after the customer has placed their order. This is called the change cover.

> The reasons for this are: cutlery that is not required will only clutter the table, removing the cutlery can act as a memory prompt as to what the customers have ordered and it portrays a professional image to the customer.

>The cutlery is laid in the order the guest eats the courses- from the outside in.

Start from right..

1. Soup spoon
2. Table spoon
3. Table knife
4. Dinner plate
5. Table fork
6. Appetizer fork
7. Bb plate
8. Dessert knife
9. Place a goblet above the table knife
10. Place a dessert spoon and fork above the dinner plate.

on the other hand is the A'LA CARTE setting:

>Place settings are called covers (French = couverts).

> The cover includes the place for each guest, and their crockery, tableware, glassware, cutlery and napkin. An à la carte menu offers a wide choice of individual dishes. 

>With an à la carte cover the cutlery, flatware and crockery for each course are laid just before each course is served. 

>The traditional cover laid prior to the start of the meal is that suitable for hors d'oeuvre (the first course in a classic menu sequence).

Laying an à la carte cover:
1. Put the side plate down to mark the cover position.
2. Lay the fish knife and fork.
3. Place the wine glass above the tip of the knife.
4. Move the side plate to the left.
6. Place the napkin.

SO, do you get what is talking about table setting? we hope you will notice the setting are used when comes in fine dining restaurant..

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